Powers of Attorney & Advance Care Directives
Estate planning is more than just having a will. A will only comes into effect upon your passing whereas a Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive operate during your lifetime. Sometimes these documents are referred to as a “living will”.
We recommend that all adults have an Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive in place to record their financial and medical wishes in the event that they are unable to make decisions for themselves.
A spouse and/or child do not automatically have the right to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you lose your mental capacity, become physically incapacitated for any length of time or you are just having that well-earned overseas holiday and something unexpected happens.
Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial & Legal Matters)
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document that enables an appointed person or persons to manage your finances and legal matters on your behalf (i.e. managing your money or a business). For more information you can refer to our Enduring Power of Attorney brochure.
Advance Care Directive (Medical & Lifestyle Matters)
An Advance Care Directive allows you to appoint one or more “Substitute Decision-Makers” who will have the power to make medical and lifestyle decisions on your behalf should you lose your mental capacity (as determined by a health professional). For more information download our Advance Care Directive brochure.

Enduring Powers of Attorneys and Advance Care Directives, if not properly considered and carefully drafted, could lead to difficulties for your family or loved ones. Moreover, without these types of documents your family may experience difficulties in arranging your finances and medical care that they consider necessary in circumstances that are emotionally challenging. The team at Adelta Legal can provide you with tailored advice on these matters so that you are well prepared for any possibility.
We always provide advice on both Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Care Directives whenever we take instructions for wills, and often it is more cost effective for all documents to be prepared as part of one of our fixed price packages that we offer. We also offer a home or hospital visit service (at a small additional charge or for no extra cost depending on distance) for those unable to get to one of our offices.
We have offices in the city and at Tea Tree Gully for the convenience of clients. In addition, for the elderly or infirm, visits can be made to clients at home or in hospital.
Call us on 08 8415 5000 or send an email to make an appointment.