Voluntary Assisted Dying

June 28, 2023

What does the latest Voluntary Assisted Dying Act mean to me? The recent case of Lily Thai has brought the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 SA (“VAD Act”) into sharper focus. This Act, introducing a formal euthanasia protocol, represents a significant shift in how we perceive and manage end-of-life decisions in South Australia. The VAD […]

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Voluntary Assisted Dying

Voluntary Assisted Dying

What does the latest Voluntary Assisted Dying Act mean to me? The recent case of Lily Thai has brought the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 SA (“VAD Act”) into sharper focus. This Act, introducing a formal euthanasia protocol, represents a significant shift in how we perceive and manage end-of-life decisions in South Australia. The VAD […]

Adelta Legal now visiting Orroroo & Carrieton

Our Director, Mark Jappe is now available to see clients in Orroroo and Carrieton regarding the following types of matters: For an appointment to see Mark Jappe please phone Lorna at Adelta Legal on (08) 8415 5000 or email lwatton@adelta.com.au

Mark Jappe

Mark Jappe – Accredited Mediator

Adelta Legal would like to congratulate one of our Directors Mark Jappe on completing training with the Mediation Institute. Now a nationally accredited mediator, Mark will be focussing on matters involving estates and trusts. Mark will also be available to mediate other matters.

Why Do I Need A Conveyancer?

One of the most important decisions in this whole process is to choose a registered conveyancer to act for you

Adelta Legal – Doyle’s Guide 2022

Adelta Legal has once again earned a place in Doyle’s Guide as one of South Australia’s First Tier Firms for Wills, Estates & Succession Planning for 2022! We would like to extend our gratitude to our colleagues and peers for this recognition. A special congratulations to:- Alison Evenden for again featuring as a Leading Lawyer […]

Pride Month – June 2022

Adelta Legal celebrates Pride Month in support of the LGBTQ+ community

Law Council of Australia 19th National Family Law Conference

Adelta Legal are excited to announce that we are a proud sponsor of the 19th National Family Law Conference.  The Conference was held from 14-17 August 2022 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Thinking of being a sperm donor?

Many people including same sex couples and single women may wish to seek the assistance of a sperm donor to enable them to start a family. Important consideration needs to be given to the role of each person involved in the artificial conception process and as to the role it is intended that each person play in the life of the child to be conceived. Whatever the scenario may be, there are legal complexities that should be carefully considered, and legal advice is recommended.

Adelta Legal – Doyles Guide South Australia 2021

Adelta Legal has been recognised as a First Tier Leading Wills, Estates & Succession Planning Law Firm – South Australia and First Tier Firm in the category of Leading Wills & Estates Litigation Law Firms for South Australia in the recently released Doyles Guide South Australia, 2021.

Taxation of death benefits

The Australian taxation system is generally considered to be complicated. Taxation on superannuation certainly has not escaped that complex web. In trying not to overload the readers, this article will only focus on taxation of superannuation death benefits (death benefits).

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