Julie Redman Awarded Mary Kitson Award

August 15, 2023

Julie Redman Awarded The Mary Kitson Award Adelta Legal is proud to announce that Julie Redman was awarded the Mary Kitson Award by the Law Society of South Australia on Friday, 11 August 2023. The Mary Kitson Award recognises a contribution to the advancement of the interests of women lawyers, and/or a recognisable contribution to […]

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Law Council of Australia 19th National Family Law Conference

Adelta Legal are excited to announce that we are a proud sponsor of the 19th National Family Law Conference.  The Conference was held from 14-17 August 2022 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Thinking of being a sperm donor?

Many people including same sex couples and single women may wish to seek the assistance of a sperm donor to enable them to start a family. Important consideration needs to be given to the role of each person involved in the artificial conception process and as to the role it is intended that each person play in the life of the child to be conceived. Whatever the scenario may be, there are legal complexities that should be carefully considered, and legal advice is recommended.

Family Dispute Resolution now available for small property cases.

The Legal Services Commission is trialling a programme under the Women’s Economic Security Package to assist families to resolve small property cases via dispute resolution services and where possible, out of court. If the net total value of your property asset pool is $500,000 or less (excluding superannuation) and if you do not currently qualify […]