Wills for blended families

January 8, 2021

When you marry or re-marry there are a few things you should know regarding your will. A matter which commonly arises is the making of wills by married or de facto couples who have children from previous relationships.  These families are often referred to as blended families.  In these circumstances the traditional simple will whereby […]

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Wills for blended families

When you marry or re-marry there are a few things you should know regarding your will. A matter which commonly arises is the making of wills by married or de facto couples who have children from previous relationships.  These families are often referred to as blended families.  In these circumstances the traditional simple will whereby […]

COVID-19 and the importance of estate planning.

Due to the fast spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout Australia and abroad, many of us have found ourselves feeling unprepared for what the future might bring. Like our finances and health, estate planning is an important factor to consider when looking to better protect ourselves and our loved ones during times of uncertainty. Estate planning […]

Family Dispute Resolution now available for small property cases.

The Legal Services Commission is trialling a programme under the Women’s Economic Security Package to assist families to resolve small property cases via dispute resolution services and where possible, out of court. If the net total value of your property asset pool is $500,000 or less (excluding superannuation) and if you do not currently qualify […]